Flaming Chalice

What is Omnism?

"I am an Omnist, and believe in all Religions, -fragments of one golden world, Yet to be relit in its place in Heaven -For all are relatively true and false, As evidence and earnest of the heart, To those who practice, or have faith in them. In Heaven only, yea in Deity."
      -Philip J. Bailey, 'Festus Poem,' 1839.

Omnism is the recognition, respect, belief, and faith in all religions. It can be expanded upon to mean belief in everything/anything. It is a personal theology which accepts the validity of all religions and allows one to believe or have faith in all religious teachings without the dogmatism. Wikipedia defines Omnism as:

"Omnism is the recognition and respect of all religions or lack thereof; those who hold this belief are called omnists (or Omnists). The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) quotes as the term's earliest usage by English poet Philip J. Bailey: in 1839 'I am an Omnist, and believe in all religions'.[1] In recent years, the term has been emerging anew, due to the interest of modern day self-described omnists who have rediscovered and begun to redefine the term. It can be thought of as syncretism taken to its logical extreme. However, it can also be seen as a way to accept the existence of various religions without believing in all that they profess to teach. Many omnists say that all religions contain truths, but that no one religion offers all that is truth...The Oxford dictionaries defines an omnist as 'a person who believes in all faiths or creeds; a person who believes in a single transcendent purpose or cause uniting all things or people, or the members of a particular group of people'."

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